Annandale Toastmasters Club
Building better communicators, since 1960​
Ballot Counter
The ballot counter collects and tallies votes for the best speakers and evaluator.
The purpose of the ballot counter is to collect and compare ballots submitted by club members for the best table topic presentation, the best prepared speech, and the best evaluator. Only members are allowed to vote, as only members would be familiar with the criteria for voting. Guests are encouraged, however, to include notes of encouragement and edification. The Ballot Counter does not cast a vote unless there is a tie, in which case your ballot will be the tie-breaking vote.
Before the Meeting
Prepare a brief explanation of the duties of the Ballot Counter for the benefit of guests, including voting criteria. Be sure to mention that only members are allowed to vote, as they are familiar with the criteria.
Obtain the award certificates from the sergeant at arms.
During the Meeting
When introduced by the general evaluator, explain the role of the ballot counter. If the toastmaster of the day or the general evaluator doesn’t mention it, be sure to announce that while only members are allowed to vote, everyone present is welcome to write notes of encouragement and edification.
As the timer gives his or her report, record times and award eligibility for each speaker on the ballot counter report.
Once the timer has delivered their report as requested, collect ballots.
Tally the votes as quickly as possible, and announce the winner(s) when called upon by the general evaluator.
After the Meeting
Present each winner with the Best Table Topics Award, Best Speaker Award, or Best Evaluator Award, as appropriate.